Cowboys and Indians


Cowboys and Indians are two in a series of limited-edition sculptures by Israeli artist Yoram Wolberger. Fascinated by the toy soldiers, he played with in his youth, the artist designed life-size versions capturing every detail of the smaller toy figures. (right down to the thin flashing left by the molding process and the “Made in China” stamp on the bottom) The sculptures are made of surfboard-grade translucent polyester resin and E-Glass reinforcement covered by multiple layers of translucent color to achieve the appropriate levels of translucency.


  • Location: Wyoming

  • Client Name: Private Client

  • Expertise: Fabrication design, CNC enlargement of laser-scanned toy, female mold, and limited edition translucent FRP sculpture to exactly replicate the original in life-size.

  • Partners:


The River Wall


200 Powell Street